Our Mission

Becoming a Market             Is to provide a cheap, inexpensive way to

Force in the West             maximise the investments of our members 

Africa Sector.                by investing in the local economy of 

                              feasibly, viable shares of various companies.

We are your partners in progress

Our Values

Afrofunds Unlimited-           We, the members of Afrofunds Unlimited

Th FIRST mutual funds          are committed to investing in the local West 

company in West Africa         African sector.

                               The hallmark of our existence is:

                               Satisfaction of Service(s) offered/rendered

                               Quality of Service(s)

                               Satisfaction of Service(s)offered / rendered

                               the right business environment

                               the newest technology

                               grassroots involvement, etc.


Our Strategies

                          To achieve our mission & promote our     

                          values, we are committed to providing the 

                          following strategies:

                          1. Provide world class service.

                          2. Create a positive climate for continued 
                             economic growth.

			  3. Realise our goals.

                          4. Improve upon our services continually.                          

                          5. Anticipate changes that will enhance our 

                             overall perfomances.

The Stocks quoted on the Nigerian Stock Exchange

Endorsed by the Executive Planning Committee of Afrofunds Unlimited.


The Top 2000 Nigerian Companies and Organizations ranked

Last Revised: 01-Nov-99
Copyright © 1998 BMWA / baba. All rights reserved.


Send comments to: baba